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3rd Street Neighborhood Community Garden


517 E. 3rd St. in the pocket park

between Harrison & Park Streets

Thank you, Cortez!

Now, more than ever, we need healthy places to come together with our neighbors. We need places for all ages that support deep connections, joy and resilience.

A neighborhood community garden that shares space with other activities in the park allows us to meet and work alongside our neighbors, support each other, and become more self-reliant. We want to learn how to grow our own food and support ourselves in a way that benefits our physical and mental well-being. We will be increasing our own food security and improving our community while we work and learn together!

Thanks to the generosity of our community and the hard work of volunteers and gardeners, we've been able to plant, grow and harvest for 2 seasons. We look forward to many more!


Garden Plots for the 2024 growing season

Plots are available to all Montezuma County residents. Preference is given to residents of the immediate 3rd St neighborhood.

Plots are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. Those who do not receive a plot will be placed on a waiting list and contacted if a plot becomes available during the season.

We encourage anyone who does not receive a plot for this season to sign up on our volunteer list. You'll be able to participate in workdays while sharing in the harvest of extra produce, and you'll have the opportunity to attend workshops, potlucks, fundraisers, and garden events throughout the season.

All gardeners are required to complete one hour of volunteer work a month that benefits the garden as a whole. These hours can include weeding or watering common areas, composting, improving infrastructure, cleaning tools, helping with events, etc.

Gardeners and volunteers also have the opportunity to create and join committees that work on special projects or efforts to support the garden organization that are important to them. Committees such as the Children's Garden Program, Demonstration Garden, Events, etc. are active in 2024.

Gardeners are encouraged to share some of their harvest or their excess produce with the Good Samaritan Center Food Pantry

The 3rd Street Garden is a group effort. Decisions are discussed during meetings and workdays, and gardener input and initiative is encouraged!

Individual plots are approximately 3x10 ft and cost $5 per season.

Medium-size plots are approximately 6x10 ft and cost $10 per season.

Large plots are approximately 10x12 ft and cost $15 per season.

Soil, water and tools are provided at no cost.

We will have a gardener seed swap in the spring with a seed-starting workshop.

Garden Coordinator:

Kirbi Foster

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