Demonstration Garden &
Children's Garden Programs
El Jardín de demostración se formó en 2017 con siete pequeñas parcelas que comprendían el jardín original de MSTFP. Voluntarios de toda la región, incluidos Pagosa Springs, Bayfield, Durango, Mancos, Cortez y Farmington, ayudaron a limpiar el jardín de maleza y maleza, y nos brindaron una base sólida y hermosa desde la cual comenzar.
El jardín es ahora un escaparate de ideas de jardinería intensiva, plantación sucesiva, plantación complementaria, extensión de temporada y experimentos con fertilizantes y enmiendas.

The Children's Garden program is held each summer through the Rec Center's Playground Days Summer Camp. Garden volunteers created a program full of activities that involve children in the garden through literature, art activities, field journals, planting seeds and of course, tasting the harvest!
Our sessions have been held either monthly or weekly, depending on the availability of volunteers. If you'd like more information or to volunteer with the program, please email Kirbi at

in the Garden

Scavenger hunt to familiarize children with the garden site.
Identifying pollinators on dill growing in one of the children's garden plots. We focused on ladybugs for a fun art activity then made yogurt dill dip with our harvest, using carrots and cucumbers from the plots to snack on.

The Dragon's Egg cucumbers we planted just were not growing! To help them along, the children summoned Pepitolina, the Cucumber Dragon. We danced, sang, chanted, laughed and paraded. By the end of our session that day, the vines had tiny cucumbers on them!

2024 Dates and Program Details